Monday, December 5, 2016

JS and ImageProcessor

An object ImagePlus is composed of several parts whose the most important is the pixel array located in another object: the ImageProcessor.

JS and ImagePlus

When writing a script, we start with the Recorder (Plugins > Macros > Record…), and then modify the automatically created code by redefining the variable names and by using methods (functions belonging to objects) that are much more customizable than the default equivalent plugins.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Module and require(...)

When your code begins to get larger and larger, it is sometimes interesting to split it in several files. However, there is no import or include by default in JavaScript. Here is a simple way to implement such a function...

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Hello World in JavaScript

First steps in the JavaScript Programming World by writing the famous Hello World script [Wiki]. This program is very popular and if you are interested, there is a list of implementations in various languages [Wiki].

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Development Environment

Your ImageJ is now well configured [Link], it is time to create your first script and optimize the way you write your future scripts...

Friday, March 18, 2016

Configuration: Java and Linux

Before writing JavaScript small programs in Linux, you have to check the Java version used by ImageJ because of a bug with the latest Java packages...