Thursday, October 27, 2011

Drawing a chessboard using boolean operators

A small use of boolean operators to draw my favorite chessboard and also a good example to use other functions like geometrical transforms.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Erosion in mathematical morphology

In mathematical morphology (MM) [see TOC], the basic operators are the erosion and dilation. Through several examples, we'll see what is the erosion and what we can do with it ...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Drawing a chessboard: Table of Contents

Through several examples, this series Drawing a chessboard - a simple and graphical object - is a very good opportunity to explore the built-in functions of the scripting language and the various operations and tools available in the ImageJ menus.

Binary images

Binary images (black and white) are everywhere in ImageJ, they are required in Analyze > Analyze Particles, have their own operators and functions.
This post explains what they are and how to use them...

Mathematical morphology

Mathematical morphology (MM) [Wikipedia] is a great toolbox for image processing. In ImageJ, most of these operations are available for binary images and are often used to prepare an image before analysis. Moreover, the same operations can be used for gray-level images offering new functionalities in terms of filtering, segmentation,etc.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Black and White, TRUE or FALSE?

When playing with binary images in ImageJ, that's not really simple to remember if TRUE corresponds to white or black (specially, if you use a lot of different binary functions). Here are simple examples to try to understand how it works.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Drawing a chessboard using ImageJ array

My chessboard series continues with a new script based on arrays and how we can use them in ImageJ.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Boolean operators

One of the basic functions for binary images (containing TRUE and FALSE pixels) are the boolean operators useful to manipulate this kind of images.


Here is a collection of answers to exercises I post(ed). This post is unreadable as is...