Thursday, December 29, 2011

README: how this blog is organized...

That's a post for beginners to show how my blog 'crazybiocomputing' is structured and connected to the mini-games of the genuine 'CrazyBioComputing' [Link] ...

If you aren't familiar with a blog, you can be confused to extract some information in my various posts. Here are some clues to learn how to read them.

1- Simple use: read the posts as they appear.

That 's the basic usage of a blog. Just look at this blog periodically and read the posts. Each post is referenced by an icon identifying its contents. Here is the icons collection and their corresponding meanings.
Fig.1: Various thumbnails used to identify the posts...

2- Use the tags cloud in the right panel

If you are interested by a specific information, the best way is to try the tags cloud located in the right panel as shown in Fig. 2. The tags are displayed with a font whose size is proportional to the number of related posts.
Fig.2: Tags cloud. Each tag (or label) is clickable and gives you access to all the posts containing this tag.

3- Use the Table of Contents (Tag TOC).

TOC Icon

Posts are grouped by chapters and their table of contents are labeled by the tag TOC (Table Of Contents).
This is the most convenient way to read some specific information about various applications in biocomputing like image processing or analysis even though few posts aren't referenced in these chapters.
Now, all these TOCs are grouped in the post Image Processing: Table of Contents.

4- Mini-games of crazybiocomputing [Link]

Most of the posts published in this blog are completed by exercises available in the crazybiocomputing web site [Link]. These exercises are designed like puzzle mini-games with a secret message hidden in the image that can be unveiled by processing it with ImageJ. As in real life, there is no explanation, you have to find out yourself what to do with the image(s).

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